TAG GAME: This or That?
10 komentar:
Wah, ada game.. Asyiiik
thx ya tag game ini, Sara ^_^
Lol i love it! I knew it willbe so much fun reading your answer. When I was younger, I used to love rainy days. Btw, if I can find motor oil in a supermarket, you have tried those too? Interesting. Lol now i am wondering if you have a kinky side ROFL! Great post girl! U nailed it!
thank you for the tag babe!!!
LOLOLOLOL, I just laugh when i read this: "Neon,Pastels or Glitter Nail? All of them!!!"
@Mizha & Bebe: Let's play! Can't wait to read yours! :D
@Rosdiana: Motor oil? hmm.. i'm intrigued.. i'd like to try it once.. LOL!! of course not.. I'm not kinky.. I'm innocent *wink*
@Jessie: Girl you are so fast! I'm reading yours now :D
thanks so muchhh saraaaa, i feel so appreciated :D
will post this game soon! *kisssses*
@Rhea: YAYYY!! I'm reading yours now.. :D
@Sunotoaw: Thank you Sunotoaw.. :)
Sara... aku udah menan tuh.. mampir yak... :D
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Had been caught!
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- Sara
- Call me Sara. Nail polish enthusiast. Have a love and hate relationship with makeup. Love to travel. Food addict. Doodle random things.. I Love everything that caught my eyes! If you need to contact me: (at) gmail (dot) com
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Tks, sara...^^
Kerjain malem ini ah... seru sih... XD