Girls! and guys! Ini adalah blog post pertamaku yang berhubungan dengan brand lokal.. Meski begitu aku tetap akan menulisnya dwibahasa, jadi pembaca internasional tetap tahu mengenai brand lokal Indonesia.
I'm so happy! Ramadhan is coming to town. At time like this, my friendly neighboors will share their opor ayam, nastar, ketupat, purti salju, okayyy.. i promise this is not food review post!
Seneeeeeeng! Dikit lagi ramadhan. Saat-saat kayak gini ya, tetangga-tetanggaku yang tercinta nan baik hati bakalan bawain opor ayam, nastar, ketupat, putri salju, okeeehhhh.. Aku janji! Ini bukan post tentang makanan!
There is only one problem for me.. My lipstick.. they are gone after snack, how they going to stand opor ayam then???
Cuma satu masalah buatku.. Lipstick-ku makk!!! Kalau abis makan cemilan aja ilang, gimana coba bisa nahan ntar pas makan opor ayam??
And that's why i make this tutorial using these products..
Dan karena itulah aku membuat tutorial memakai produk-produk ini..
I'm going to use product from Wardah!
Pakai produk dari wardah!
Well, i guess Indonesian reader pretty aware about this product, but not international reader.
Kurasa para pembaca dari Indonesia pasti sudah paham banget ya mengenai produk-produk ini, tapi pembaca internasional pasti ga tau.
From their facebook
Wardah cosmetics are halal and safe as we believe that they are for body and soul. We understand every women dream, that's why our experts develop cosmetics that not only beutify but also take care of us.Wardah is a halal cosmetic for moslem women. I am not a moslem myself, i'm using their product because of good quality and price, and i have so many moslem friends using this product. So why not?
Wardah merupakan kosmetik halal untuk para wanita muslim, yah.. aku pribadi bukan muslim, aku menggunakan produk Wardah karena kualitasnya jempolan dan faktor harga, Selain itu aku juga memiliki banyak teman-teman muslim yang menggunakan produk ini. Jadi kenapa engga?
This trick is oldie but goldie (with a little twist)
Trik yang kugunakan merupakan trik lama yang selalu berhasil (dengan sedikit twist)
First thing first, behold! my bare lips.. I bet it hurt your eyes!
Pertama-tama, Lihatttt! bibir telanjangku! matanya sakit ga sekarang?
![]() |
Yes i know, dull, chapped (you can see it in real life) and so on, that's why i need to exfoliate before using lipstick..
Ya, ya, ya aku tahu, kusam, pecah-pecah (kalau di dunia nyata keliatan banget loh..) dan sebagainya, karena itulah perlu exfoliate dulu sebelum memakai lipstick..
Exfoliate! You won't get a long lasting lipstick with chapped lips for sure! This is how i exfoliate my lip, quick and easy!
Exfoliate! Serius deh, kamu ga bakalan bisa pakai lipstick yang tahan lama dengan bibir pecah-pecah! Ini caraku exfoliate bibir, cepat dan gampang!
- Pic 1. I use Wardah lipgloss - lips moisturizer to moisture my lips
- Pic 2. Gently brush your lips with toothbrush (remember to use only toothbrush with soft brush, you can use baby toothbrush. Mine is a adult toothbrush with a very soft brush)
- Pic 3. Wipe the dead skin and excess.
- Pic 4. Plump and chapped-free lips! YAY!
- Pic 5. Prep your lips using Wardah Luminous creamy foundation. This is a very thick coverage cream foundation, it can easily hide your skin imperfection. It really match my skin, that's why i'm using this as lip concealer.
- Pic 6. Blot your lips with tissue in between.

Aplikasikan lipsticknya
- Pic 7. Apply your favorite lipstick! Mine is Wardah matte lipstick - 08. It is red bronzy, a very beautiful color! Contain olive oil and vitamin E.
- Pic 8. Blot your lips with blotting paper in between. I find that using blotting paper can prolong my lipstick color better than tissue.
- Apply and blot till you satisfy (i'm satisfy after 3 layers)
Lip Gloss time!
Waktunya lip gloss!
- Pic 9. Apply your favourite lipgloss! I'm using Wardah wondershine - 02. Nude brown with a beautiful shimmer.
Finish! Beautiful looking lips!
Selesai! Bibir cantik!
Aku sudah tes! Dengan bangga, bibir ini berhasil tahan ketika makan Lays, Oreo dan nasi padang (oiii.. emang gembul apa tes?)
Nasi padang, a very oily, not so healthy, but still delicious delicacy.
I have to stop talking about food by now. LOL!
from wikipedia |
Last word, maybe this will be too personal. Honestly I have this doubt while writing this post, i keep thinking "maybe i don't have capability to write about this halal cosmetic, after all i know nothing about any requirements so this product can meet the halal terms". But my moslem friend keep encourage me to write this post.
Terakhir, mungkin ini terlalu personal. Jujur, aku agak ragu ketika mau menulis post ini, aku terus menerus berpikir "mungkin aku ga punya kemampuan untuk menulis tentang kosmetik halal, lagipula aku ga tahu apa-apa mengenai syarat sampai sebuah produk bisa dikategorikan halal" tapi temanku yang muslim tetap mendorongku untuk menulis post ini.
For my friend:
Beauty is a matter of perceive, this halal cosmetic may enhance your look, you already have beautiful heart, bless with your beautiful face, a very beautiful friend indeed.
Untuk temanku:
Kecantikan adalah perihal sudut pandang, kosmetik halal ini mungkin akan meningkatkan penampilanmu kamu sudah memiliki hati yang cantik, diberkahi dengan paras yang cantik, benar-benar seorang teman yang cantik
This lovely friend, She is my first comment in this post (before i edit it to bilinggual).
Temanku yang baik ini, dia itu orang yang komen pertama kali setelah post ini keluar (sebelum di-edit menjadi dwibahasa)
aku terdecak kagum dan memandang nanar